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Steam Week 2023

It was full steam ahead for a week packed with scientific investigations and activities. Watch a slideshow of some of the highlights here:

Year 3 and 4 pupils used curve stitching to create some amazing geometrical patterns in maths and harnessed a whole range of skills in Design Technology to create their own Shadow Theatres. They used their knowledge about translucent and opaque materials, and how shadows are formed, built an electrical circuit to light up their stage and designed their own range of puppets to perform a story about the formation of fossils.

Year 3 explored digital photography, using the theme of volcanoes and rocks to place their images into a dramatic lava landscape, with the aid of some very willing Year 8 helpers who couldn’t resist the temptation to get stuck in as well!

Art and Science came together for Year 4 as they used their knowledge of electric circuits to make portable torches which they decorated with hand-made marbled paper.

Year 5 planned an investigation into which design of seeds are most successful at being dispersed by the wind. They constructed a range of seed designs, gathered data for analysis and tested their designs. In an Animation Workshop they used their knowledge of the Lifecycle of a Butterfly to put together some short films, and also had a go at some crazy lego animations.  Taking their inspiration from their study of the shapes and forms of crystals, they used watercolour paint and salt crystals to create striking effects

Year 6 have been studying the topic of Light this term in Science.  After investigating how kaleidoscopes work, they learnt about geometric patterns and tessellations in Maths and then created their own colourful patterns on paper. They then used their designs to decorate their own hand-made kaleidoscopes.  Then they went on to learn about the structure of the eye and made labelled model eyes out of play-doh.

Year 7 made animal and plant cell slides in Biology and viewed them under the microscope.  They drew the cells in their Science lesson and then painted them in Art.  They used chromatography to separate the colours in water soluble inks.

Year 8 learnt about Light, Colour and Filters in Physics.  They then utilised their ADT skills and made their own Newton discs and handheld spinners.

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