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Children’s Mental Health Week

The theme of this year’s Children’s Mental Health week was ‘Let’s Connect’ and the week was full of activities designed to enable children to do just that.  The ‘Nurture Hub’, set up in the Dining Hall was an open invitation for all pupils to join together and play games and enjoy other activities together in a relaxed setting.  The children also came together for special hot chocolate breaks. 

The Year 6 pupils had a very special excursion to the Baptist Church where they met with members of their congregation, exchanged anecdotes and compared experiences of growing up in 2020s Britain versus the 1940s and 1950s.

On the last day of term each year group buddied up with another to join together for a fun activity and it was really heartening to see the different age groups taking such genuine delight in each other’s company.  A particular highlight was watching the Year 4s strut their dance moves with the Nursery children – it was impossible to tell who was enjoying it the most!

The week culminated with a very successful the Charity Fair.  It was held in aid of the Children’s Liver Disease Foundation, a charity dedicated to fighting all childhood liver diseases.  A whole school assembly gave the children the background to the CLDF and they were all very eager to support it.  Thank you to Mrs Baker for taking the time to come in, share her family’s experience and provide such an informative talk.  The Prep School children put a great deal of thought into the planning of their stalls and they took it in turns to support each other throughout the afternoon, taking particular care of the Pre-Prep children as they arrived in a state of great excitement, very eager to sample all of the fun activities on offer.  Thank you to everyone who helped to make the Charity Fair such a success, through the support of the children’s efforts and providing donations.  We raised a wonderful £1177 (and counting!)

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