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Forest School

The Forest School Site is constantly evolving and has undergone some changes this term. Most excitingly we now have a parachute canopy as our forest school base which was kindly erected with support of our wonderful HGA. The canopy was donated by Year 8 leavers with a hope that ‘you enjoy your time under it!’ The children are certainly doing just that.

Key Stage 1 have learnt to use a storm shelter, loppers and secateurs as well as to grade kindling for the fire. Other activities like adding to the willow fence, tree climbing, digging, den and fairy garden construction are all child led. Year 2 had a particularly cold day but the fire and hot chocolate, s’mores and popcorn helped to make it ‘the best forest school day ever!’ Year 1 also used the storm shelter, loppers and their own child led activities. As the firewood had been restocked they were also able to enjoy hot chocolate and s’mores at the end of the day. Early Years spent an afternoon together exploring the newly developed site and, with help from adults, climbed the ash tree while Mrs Fordham supported individual children to use a bow saw to cut log slices. They too had a memorable time in the woods.

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