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Empathy in Action

Year 7 pupils experienced a little of what refugees encounter by taking part in a simulation called Desperate Journeys, run by the charity Empathy Action

They found out a little of what is like to be torn from your home and plunged into the desperate situation of trying to escape a war-torn country in the Middle East, with no passport, just a few clothes, and little money. At every step they were faced with impossible decisions, and they began to see the constant danger and fear that many escaping difficult situations face, through no fault of their own. The Year 7 pupils commented that they realised people were going through worse situations than this.

It helped them to empathise and feel the sadness, anger and lack of control that refugees face. The hope of the charity is that these experiences will help us turn our empathy into action.

Thank you to Ben Solanky and the Empathy Action team for the amazing experience.

Inspired Education
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